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Hayat Sende, Alternatif Bakım Veritabanı sitesinin yazarı - Page 2 of 6

Unaccompanied Refugee Workshop

Unaccompanied Refugee Workshop Release Date: Publisher: KOREV Publication Language: Turkish Download Document

Youth in Transition from Institutional to Soc

Children and young people brought up under the protection of the state constitute a very

Evaluation of the Foster Family Model from th

Evaluation of the Foster Family Model from the Perspective of Foster Families Workshop Final Report

Workshop Final Report on Evaluation of Employ

Good education and a good job are the most important pillars of the equal and

Guide to Transition to the Post-Conservation

This guide was created by Hayat Sende Association and its volunteers for young people who

Label-Free Education

Analysis Study and Workshop Report Release Date: Publisher: Hayat Sende Association Publication Language: Turkish Download

The Right Glossary

Sosyal Duvarları Yıkalım Projesi Yayın Tarihi:   Yayıncı: Hayat Sende Derneği Yayın Dili: Türkçe Dokümanı

Child Specialization Commission 2001

Eighth Five-Year Development Plan Release Date: 2001 Publisher: DPT Publication Language: Turkish Source: Link Download

Workshop on Evaluation of the Right to Educat

Workshop on Evaluation of the Right to Education in the Child Protection System by Young

ÇHDS and Optional Protocols, Rules of Proced

Some of the translations in this work were commissioned by the International Children’s Center, and

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